Pyloric stenosis-Cause, assessment, treatment and nursing care


What is Pyloric stenosis:-

Hypertrophy of muscle of Pylorus. It may be acquired rarely due to the overuse of erythromycin.

Incidence of Pyloric Stenosis:

  • B, O Blood group is more prone to pyloric stenosis.
  • Turner Syndrom High Chance.
  • The oblique Layer is only present in the stomach.

Signe of Pyloric Stenosis:-

Vomiting in pyloric stenosis:-

  • Non-Bilious Vomiting.
  • Forceful vomiting.
  • Projectile vomiting.

Assessment Of Pyloric Stenosis:-

These are the main points for the assessment of pyloric stenosis.
  1. Dehydration.
  2. Metabolic Alkalosis.
  3. Weight Loss.
  4. Electrolyte imbalance.
  5. Constant hunger.
  6. Stool Decrease.
  7. Urine Specific Gravity Increase.
  8. Hypokalemia.
  9. Visible Paristasis movement (Left to Right)
  10. Olive shape mass at epigastric region.

Pyloric Stenosis Test:-


X-ray is the most relevant test in pyloric stenosis in Barium Swallow X-ray perform in pyloric stenosis


When the thickness of the wall is more than 4 meters and the diameters of the pylorus are more than 14 mm it means pyloric stenosis is present

management of Pyloric Stenosis:-

  1. Decrease the tone by Atropine Sulphate(0.01 mg/kg/dose)
  2. Ballon Endoscopy
  3. Surgery

Surgical management of Pyloric stenosis:-

Pyloric Stenosis is the surgical correction in two steps.

1 Steps of Surgical Correction of Pyloric stenosis:-

In this step, the goal of intervention is a correction of fluid and electrolyte deficit and maintaining normal blood chemistry.

2 Steps of Correction of Pyloric Stenosis:-

The surgery is known as pyloromyotomy or fredetramsteadt.

Nursing Care in Pyloric Stenosis:-

Preoperative Nursing Care of Pyloric Stenosis:-

  1. Maintained hydration status.
  2. Gastric lavage before surgery.
  3. NPO minimum 8 hours before surgery.
  4. Place Neso-Gastric Tube (NG Tube)in the stomach. for gastric Decompression

Postoperative Nursing Care of Pyloric Stenosis:-

  1. NPO till Bowel sounds are not present.
  2. IV Fluid started 100ml/kg/day-RL.
  3. Bowel Sound appears after 18 to24 hours.
  4. Oral feeding started at 24 to 48 hours.
  5. Starie glucose water can use after 4-6 hours after the surgery.
  6. Check the Sign of infection at the incision site.
  7. Initially, slow small feeding &burping should be done.

Pyloric Stenosis Related Questions:-

congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:-

Answer:- I hope after reading this paragraph this query is solved Congenital hypertrophy and pyloric stenosis are the same problem.

pyloric stenosis ultrasound:-

Answer:- In Pyloric Stenosis Ultrasound is the most common and important investigation USG is confirmatory and the most reliable method to find the problem site.

pyloric stenosis in adults:-

Answer:- In adults, Pyloric stenosis is less because this is a congenital disorder. and after birth pyloric stenosis show symptom it mines this problem basically child age.

pyloric stenosis surgery:-

Answer:- After the red full article I think this question answer is perfectly given.

dumping syndrome:-

Answer:-Dumping Syndrom Basically not a disease and not a syndrome this is after surgical sign in this all parts of the stomach are cut down and food directly dumps not present in the stomach.

dumping syndrome treatment:-
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